Own way

If you want to find your own way, at some point you have to leave the well-trodden path of others.

It's no longer about working through someone else's step-by-step list.

These steps feel comfortable and safe, but they are an illusion on your desired path.

They are just busy-ness, a distraction from asking the right questions and doing the right things.

You have to become your own guide. Live the journey. The journey takes place in life, not in thinking.

Thinking is a tool, not an end in itself, not the journey itself.

The first steps and at the same time the last ones are probably initiated by the question “Who am I?”. Don't confuse this with "What is my profession?".

This question inevitably leads to friction in the process of answering it:

  • Why am I doing my job?
  • Why am I married?
  • Why do I feel “needy”? Why do I reject this?
  • Why do I have the feeling of weakness? Why do I reject this?

Thinking hard results in an exponential growth of thinking.

You become your own advisor because your own thinking improves.

And in-between living and thinking, read some classic literature such as Dostoevsky and Nietzsche.