Page visits for the last 3 months

I just did some awk to filter through my caddy logs.

So actually someone/something is reading my stuff.

Count URL
----- ---------------
57916 "/"
10703 "/atom.xml"
 4939 "/robots.txt"
 1065 "/main.css"
  913 "/favicon.ico"
  478 "/uses/"
  370 "/about/"
  346 "/sitemap.xml"
  327 "/more/"
  321 "/wp-login.php"
  283 "/2021-10-18/"
  272 "/2021-12-07/"
  269 "/2021-10-20/"
  267 "/2021-09-05/"
  265 "/2021-11-24/"
  264 "/2021-12-11/"
  262 "/rust/"
  261 "/2021-12-04/"
  261 "/2021-10-23/"
  260 "/2021-11-07/"
  260 "/2021-10-19/"
  260 "/2021-10-15/"
  260 "/2021-09-21/"
  260 "/2021-08-22/"
  259 "/2024-01-11/"