Simple bookmarks

As I stated in many posts, I like simple tools.

I'm a person of few browser tabs and few bookmarks, but I still love to simplify my life.

That's why I implemented a simple bookmarking feature on my computer, copied from Luke Smith: simple bookmarks

So in the end my workflow is like that:

Saving bookmark:

  1. Press Ctrl+L to highlight URL bar
  2. Press Ctrl+C to copy URL
  3. Press Alt+Delete to save URL in my bookmarks file

Pasting bookmark:

  1. Press Ctrl+L to highlight URL bar
  2. Press Ctrl+Insert to show my bookmarks file in my linux launcher (dmenu)
  3. Search the right bookmark and hit Enter
  4. Hit Enter again to submit pasted URL in URL bar

Why that?

  • simple solution
  • no distracting bookmarks in my browser
  • browser-agnostic