Apps I use

Although I have a dedicated page for the stuff I use, I reply to kevquirk's post.

  • to-do: pen and paper
  • calendar: pen and paper
  • reading: pen and paper
  • shopping lists: pen and paper
  • notes: vim with markdown files
  • contacts: vim with vcf files
  • word processing: vim with markdown files
  • spreadsheets: gnumeric
  • personal finance: gnumeric
  • presentations: vscodium (one file per slide)
  • code editor: vim/vscodium
  • mail service: own domain with
  • mail client: neomutt (terminal)
  • cloud storage: -
  • rss service: -
  • rss client: newsboat (terminal)
  • launcher: dmenu
  • photo library: external hard drive
  • web browser: librewolf
  • bookmarks: librewolf
  • chat: signal, whatsapp
  • music: yt-dlp + mpv
  • podcasts: yt-dlp + mpv
  • password management: keepassxc
  • social media: mastodon (rarely)
  • weather: curl[city]
  • search: duckduckgo lite / searx-ng