My devices are very well organized:
- I have no desktop icons
- I delete stuff all the time
- my backups are 200MB small
- I don't open more than ~5 browser tabs and close them after the task at hand ...
But sometimes I struggle with my todo lists. Yes, I have multiple lists.
I write down stuff on my computers. On my smartphones. On paper. On a whiteboard.
And suddenly, I have 4 files of todos, sometimes in a general folder, sometimes in a project folder.
Weeks later, I find these notes and feel dumb and guilty.
This time, I took one step back and asked myself "Why do I struggle?".
And the answer is: Because I have multiple sources of incoming todos, but they are distributed all over the place.
So how could I solve this challenge?
Digital: I could write down my todos on 5 devices and keep it in sync. I tried this multiple times. And I always failed after some weeks or months. The biggest problem was the "flat hierarchy" on my devices: With a dozen of programs on my devices, a todo-list is not noticeable. It just sits there until I forget it. And what happens when I'm not in-front of a device?
Analog: I could write down my todos on a piece of paper. This is what I currently try to implement. My stack looks like this: the cardboard packaging of an old smartphone, some post-its, a pencil.
Pieter Levels has a simple explanation.
Let's see how this will work out!